Fibromyalgia | Treatment & Symptoms

Developing a problem like fibromyalgia raises concerns about your future and health. The pain associated with the medical condition causes discomfort in a variety of different situations. By working with our chiropractor in Downtown Calgary, you have the opportunity to address the pain and start improving your situation. For more information contact Bankers Hall Chiropractic in Downtown Calgary at (403) 243-0111.

What is Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia refers to a type of musculoskeletal medical condition that impacts the joints and muscles of the body. Due to the symptoms and the underlying factors that contribute to the general discomfort, it is often misdiagnosed and individuals face painful and worsening symptoms before they discover the underlying cause of the problem.

The symptoms associated with the condition include:

  • Joint pain
  • Muscle pain
  • General fatigue
  • Decreased pain threshold
  • Widespread pain through the body

When left untreated, the condition can lead to more severe reactions. In some cases, depression or anxiety develop as a direct result of the pain and the gradual isolation associated with the pain. Individuals need to seek appropriate treatment when symptoms develop to ensure that the body can heal and they can manage the pain.

Chiropractic Treatments for Fibromyalgia in Downtown Calgary

Working with a chiropractor in Downtown Calgary, Alberta provides the opportunity to improve personal health and address the symptoms of the medical condition. Chiropractic care specifically addresses the underlying causes of the pain associated with fibromyalgia. Essentially, it helps reduce the pressure on the joints and muscles, which results in a reduction of pain and discomfort.

Since the treatments specifically address the pain points in the neck, back and joints, individuals manage pain throughout the body. Furthermore, the treatments help individuals regain a higher level of mobility and a greater range of motion in their back, neck and shoulders, which also helps improve their ability to enjoy their lifestyle and activities.

Encouraging Good Health

A key problem associated with the medical condition is the impact it has on an individual’s ability to enjoy certain activities. It prevents individuals from exercising due to the pain and it interferes with a healthy sleep cycle. For more information about Fibromyalgia in Downtown Calgary call us today at (403) 243-0111.

By working with a chiropractor, you reduce the amount of pain that you experience and you improve your range of motion. As a result, you can start working on a healthier lifestyle by following the exercise advice of a professional in our clinic. A healthy diet plan also assists with the recovery process by ensuring that your body has the nutrients to heal from any health concerns that arise. Chiropractic care is the foundation that allows individuals to focus on their health goals by addressing a key factor that prevents a healthier lifestyle.

Your body needs healthy nutrition, sleep and proper pain management to keep the symptoms of fibromyalgia under control. By working with a chiropractic professional at Bankers Hall Chiropractic in Downtown Calgary, you gain the opportunity to improve your situation and start enjoying a better quality of life. To learn more about the treatments we offer for medical health concerns or to set up an appointment with a chiropractic professional, contact us today at (403) 243-0111.

Fibromyalgia FAQ

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and enjoying your favorite hobbies seems challenging when you experience pain and discomfort. When you do not understand why you feel pain and it does not have a clear foundation, it might relate to fibromyalgia. By understanding the condition and seeking treatment with a chiropractor in Calgary, you address the situation.

What Are the Symptoms of the Condition?

The common symptoms associated with the condition help a chiropractor determine an appropriate treatment plan. At Bankers Hall Chiropractic located in downtown Calgary we evaluate your symptoms and then develop a plan that helps address the discomfort.

Symptoms associated with the condition include:

  • Stiffness in the morning
  • Headaches
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Restless legs
  • Numbness and tingling in the legs or arms
  • Painful menstrual cycles in women
  • Pain throughout the body

The symptoms associated with the condition primarily relate to physical sensitivity as well as discomfort and pain. The chronic condition impacts the entire body and is not usually related to pain in one specific location.

What Causes the Condition?

The underlying causes of the condition depend on the individual. In certain cases, it directly relates to a stressful and traumatic event, like a car accident. In other situations, individuals develop the discomfort after multiple injuries. Other individuals develop the discomfort and pain without any obvious reasons or triggers, so it occurs spontaneously.

Although the actual trigger depends on the individual, a key factor is the way that the brain translates and understands stimulus throughout the body. Generally, the condition occurs when the brain recognizes stimulus from the body as painful, even if it is not normally a painful experience for most individuals.

Who Gets Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia impacts roughly 5 million American adults each year. The condition occurs most often in women at a rate of 80 to 90 percent of all cases of the condition. Although women are impacted more often, men can also develop the condition and it can occur in children. It is most common among adult women above the age of 18 years old.

How is the Condition Treated with Our Calgary Chiropractor?

Treatment for the condition in Calgary depends on your specific needs. A chiropractor develops a personalized plan of action based on your symptoms and the severity of your pain. We use natural treatments to help with long-term goals and assist with pain management.

Physical pain and aches impact the way that you manage your lifestyle. By working with a chiropractor and focusing on long-term recovery goals, you can address fibromyalgia and encourage the healing process. For more details about our treatment plans, contact Bankers Hall Chiropractic in downtown Calgary today at (403) 243-0111.

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