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Chiropractors in Calgary

Common Questions About Neck Pain Relief

When you are experiencing neck pain, it is normal to have various questions about finding the right kind of relief. You may want to know what is causing your neck pain and how you can get rid of it quickly and effectively. At Bankers Hall Chiropractic in Calgary, our chiropractors are here to answer any of these questions for you.

What's Causing My Neck Pain?

There are lots of reasons why you may be experiencing this kind of pain. A common cause is poor office ergonomics. You may be sitting uncomfortably in your office chair causing stress on your neck. The other reasons may be sports injuries, whiplash injury from an auto accident, sleeping while putting a strain on your neck, health issues like spinal stenosis, text neck syndrome, and more.

When Should I Visit a Pain Relief Professional?

Neck pain is common. If not serious, the pain should go away within two to three days. However, if your neck pain continues for more than a week, it may be a sign you need to visit our team. You may have a health issue that is going untreated, and the only way to properly diagnose it is to visit our experienced professionals for an assessment.

Why Choose Chiropractic Care Over Medications for Neck Pain Relief?

When experiencing this kind of pain, many people rush for over the counter medications. However, these kinds of solutions only treat the symptoms, meaning the problem will still be there after the medication is gone. The best thing about choosing chiropractic care is that our professionals seek to determine the root cause of the pain and treat it. That way the problem can go away once and for all. Chiropractic care is also non-invasive, all-natural, and has minimal side effects.

How Does a Chiropractor Treat Neck Pain?

There are various treatments and techniques chiropractic professionals use to address neck pain. Spinal adjustments, massage therapy, and exercises such as stretches are a few of the treatment options we offer here. We also recommend dietary and lifestyle changes to ensure the pain does not come back.

Visit Us Today for a Permanent Solution to Your Neck Pain

At Bankers Hall Chiropractic in Calgary, we understand how hurting and disrupting neck pain can be. Visit us today and let our professionals help you get rid of it permanently. We will also advise you on how to ensure the pain doesn't come back, depending on what caused it. Call us at 403-243-0111 to schedule your appointment and find out how we can get you back to living pain-free.

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